The Keys to Success: How to Measure and Track Your SEO Campaigns
If it can be measured, it can be improved. That’s the golden rule to SEO. If you want to make sure that you are making the most from your SEO campaigns, you need to ensure that you are monitoring, tracking and measuring success. If you don’t, how can you improve on it? In the main, you need to make sure that you are maximising your SEO potential. Firing content into cyberspace and hoping for the best is not going to do that.
In any business, irrespective of their industry, it’s vital that SEO is tracked. You need to make sure that you are maximising your ranking. But, you also need to be aware of the referrals that you are receiving. Links are a great tool in your SEO arsenal. But, how can you analyse your SEO endeavours? What’s more, how you can improve on them so you can ensure that your campaigns are successful?
Your Business and Metrics
Metrics are a great way of making sure that your business is on the ball when it comes to SEO. Companies need to make sure that they measure the success of their business using a different range of metrics.
Referring Visits and Search Engine Share
When it comes to making sure that you are on top of your game, you need to be looking at referrals. Where are your sources of traffic coming from? How are they finding your site? You may find that some clients find your site due to email links that you have sent from email marketing campaigns. Others may be referred. They may have found your content online and followed the links. But, others will find you via a search engine search.
Once you are in the know of how people find you, you can ensure that you are ironing out any wrinkles in that particular area. According to, many companies are keen to measure their traffic. It’s important to know where it comes from. Being able to measure these referrals is vital. If you are not getting enough search engine traffic, you may have to start re-thinking your SEO strategy. Why are people not clicking on your link when they are in their preferred search engine?
Terms, Phrases and Keywords
Keywords are a great way of getting people to your primary website. But, they are much more than a driving traffic tool. They can be a valuable analytical ally. You need to make sure that you are maximising your SEO potential by evaluating the keywords that work. Source out new trends in keywords. Ensure that you keep abreast with Google and their updates and changes. See how you can drive more traffic to your site by analysing the keywords that matter. Do make sure that you are maximising your seasonal potential. For example, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, it may be wise to use topical keywords in your content. Make sure that you don’t use these after the season has ended. This will serve to see your rankings drop.
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