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Restaurant Owners: Five Simple Steps To Make Your Life Easier

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Owning a restaurant is one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Because of the nature of the food industry, you will feel as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Coping with the managerial duties of running a restaurant, as well as the hands-on aspects of the job can be difficult. You need to make your life as easy as possible so that you can do a great job. Here are five simple steps that you can take, which will help to make running a restaurant just a little less stressful.


Step one: Set the menu by season


A mistake that many restaurant owners make, is trying to be too diverse. Changing the menu every month might seem like a great marketing tool, as you can advertise new additions to your menu. In reality, you will find that changing your menu too often is too much hassle. It is better for your chef to perfect one style of cooking, rather than having to change and get to grips with a new style every month. You should change your menu four times a year according to the season. A summer menu will be light and full of salads, whilst a fall menu will use warmer cuisines, such as soup.


Step two: Get uniforms cleaned in bulk


When people work in the kitchen, their uniforms tend to get messy fast. You can’t expect your staff to clean their uniforms at home after every shift as this is a lot of trouble. Instead, get your staff members’ uniform cleaned by professionals in bulk. You can find plenty of laundry services online, such as Find a service you like and stick with them, as this will mean that you always get a great service.


Step three: Give your staff regular reviews


When staff members have worked somewhere for a long time, they begin to let their standards slip. If you have had the same employees for a matter of years then, the chances are they have got lazy in the role. That means that staff members aren’t giving 100% when they should be. Make a point of having monthly meetings to review staff performances. Tell each member of staff what they have done well and what they still need to improve on in the role. It doesn’t matter how long the staff member has been with your team, they still need to know where they could improve.


Step four: Train up your waiters


Many restaurant owners spend loads of time training their kitchen staff, but no time training waiters. Of course, you need to have exceptional food at your restaurant, but you also need great service. Your waiters and waitresses are at the heart of your business. They are the people who interact with your customers. You need to make sure that you are happy with the level of service that they are giving to your customers. Take your waiters on a course so that they offer diners the best-possible standard of service.


Step five: Never let food go to waste


Food should never go to waste. Often in the food industry you make large batches of dishes. Doing so means that you can serve up food fast and make sure that your customers aren’t waiting too long for their meals. When you make large batches, though, some food always goes to waste. Rather than throwing out food from the day, offer a ‘late deal’ for diners. If people come in half an hour before closing, they can have a meal for half the usual price. That means that you can get rid of your batches and still make a profit.



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