How to Increase Sales on a Low Budget Marketing Campaign
If you’re a small or medium sized business, you might feel at a disadvantage to your larger competitors: where are you going to find the money for an effective marketing campaign? You’ve poured your capital, time and energy into launching your business and keeping it afloat, and as a result, you’ve little left over to actually promote it. Why’s this a problem? Well, your customers aren’t going to bang your door down if they don’t know you’re there. As a result, you’re not making as many sales as you could be. But help is at hand. There are ways to increase sales on a low budget marketing campaign…
Old-school advertising
Just because the world has gone digital doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for traditional advertising methods. As well as handing out creative, memorable business cards, flyers and booklets, why not try flag printing from Helloprint? Flags designed to your company’s branding are great if you can position them at regional events, street fairs, building windows, shop fronts or even by the beach – they’ll help you reach a wider audience of potential customers, and they win bonus points for acting as a blended marketing strategy rather than online-only.
Publish great content
One dead-cert way to increase your profile is by generating really good content. If you have the skills and resources to do it in-house, so much the better – it will be cheaper. But if not, enlist the help of a professional marketing agency. It could prove to be very good value for money! List-style ‘Top 10’ articles, infographics, features and blog posts are a great way to increase your online visibility, and ultimately result in the potential for more customers and more sales. It’s a great idea to work in seasonal events Christmas holidays and online trends too (so long as you can make these things genuinely relevant to your business or product) as you’ll attract thousands more people due to the nature of what they’re searching for.
Run giveaway contests
Everyone loves a freebie, including your customers. You’ll need to cough up a little money for the prize (perhaps one of your own products?), but you’ll attract a number of new customers by requiring people to participate in order to win. Ask entrants to answer a question, or simply ask them to follow you on your social media channels. This will boost the number of people you can market to after the contest is finished, which makes this a cost-effective method of generating more sales.
Conduct a survey
Finally, services including those from the likes of SurveyMonkey and SurveyNuts allow you to create a basic survey for free. Surveys can be a very effective marketing method as they’ll allow you gather feedback from your customers about your brand and your products, and their opinion on what you’ve got planned for the future. Better yet, you could open it up to their suggestions! How can these lead to an increase in sales? Well, you can tailor your products using the survey results. And, if nothing else, surveys help to reinforce the fact your business exists in the minds of your customers – which after all, is the very point of marketing isn’t it?
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