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The Employers Guide to Avoiding Psychological Injury Claims

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Taking precautionary measures to avoid personal injury to your employees is important. It matters for both the health of your employees and your professional reputation. You might already be taking all the necessary measures to avoid physical injury. But many companies don’t consider the possibilities of stress-related injuries.


A claim against you for a psychological personal injury by one of your employees could cost you money. Not only that, but it can damage your reputation. It can be difficult for an employee to successfully make a claim for a stress-related injury. But you should still be cautious to prevent them arising. If a claim for psychological injury should arise, consult specialist lawyers such as Kuharski, Levitz and Giovinazzo.


Witnesses of Violent or Traumatic Events


What should you do in the event that an employee has seen a violent, traumatic or upsetting event? The employer should use critical incident debriefings and training as soon as possible. Employers can also support their employees by offering individual counseling. Support groups for trauma victims are also useful. It is important that you ensure that your employees feel supported, and the company acknowledges the event.


Reduce the Stress of Workplace Changes


Major or even minor changes in the workplace can have an effect on the level of stress experienced by your employees. To help prevent stress related to changes in the environment, keep your employees up to date. You can use newsletters, emails and communication from supervisors and trainers. Make sure you have internal complaint procedures in place. Employees will feel they have someone who will listen to problems and take them seriously. Dealing with problems internally will prevent employees from feeling they need outside help. It’s also a good idea to suggest that employees contribute opinions and ideas to the running of the company.


Internal Procedures


Employers can improve their internal systems for dealing with physical injury. This is so that the stress of dealing with an incident doesn’t cause psychological injury. As well as helping to deal with the impact of the injury, you can help employees with problems that don’t directly relate to the injury. These issues still might impact on their work. Acknowledge the relationship between an employee’s work and home life. This will help employers to encourage their employees to seek help. You should also ensure you have procedures for employees with pre-existing mental health conditions.


Manager and Supervisor Training


Employers should train managers and supervisors in effective supervision. This will ensure that they aren’t placing undue stress on employees. This training should include practices such as setting realistic goals. They should also know how to make sure employees have the tools they need to work and monitor their performance.


Employers should put as much effort into preventing psychological injuries as preventing physical injuries. A workplace that deals with stress is one where workers will feel valued and understood. By preventing personal injury, you are saving yourself time and money. Your reputation will also stay in tact by avoiding personal injury claims.



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