5 Tips for Increasing Staff Productivity in Your Business
With labour and staffing costs representing one of the largest expenditures for almost every business, ensuring that productivity levels remain high is at front of mind for employers and managers. While it is easy to assume that staff alone can increase how productive they are at work, sometimes it isn’t that simplistic. Employee morale and engagement are just one aspect of how a team performs; business operations, systems and process can also play a large part in determining how much work your staff can actually achieve.
Read on to find out five tips that can help make sure your team is as productive as it can be.
Perform Analysis
You need metrics and measures in place to not only evaluate productivity now, but also track it into the future. If you don’t have the data you need, start establishing what you can put into place to get it. Don’t forget to go beyond ensuring staff are meeting their KPI’s – focus on the processes that are out of their control too. Are the right systems and support in place? Is there enough business coming in?
Offer Training
Take your team beyond the minimum skills and certifications they need to meet business or regulatory requirements, and look into whether communication, customer service or even conflict resolutions training from a registered training organisation might be able to help their performance. Employees that feel as though they are valued and learning are subsequently more productive and motivated to contribute to team ideas and projects. Visit etrainu.com for more information about online courses for your staff.
Meet Customer Needs & Expectations
Nothing can slow up a work place quite like dealing with high volumes of enquiries or complaints, especially when your customers are contacting you about things they should already know. This is where going beyond KPI’s can really help boost team performance – customer service isn’t just about being polite and building rapport, it is also about making sure they know what to expect and how to find out more information themselves.
Hold Shorter Team Meetings
While communication, team work and collaboration are essential to any high performing team, a meeting isn’t always the most efficient or effective way to achieve this. You may be better off having a quick five to ten minute get together with everyone at the start of each day than holding an hour or longer meeting weekly.
Make Sure KPI’s Are Measurable
Realistic goals and objectives with clearly defined outcomes are essential to all job roles but more often than not, job descriptions and KPI’s are written with ambiguous wording that doesn’t outline exactly what is expected or how it can be achieved.
Even if you do determine that there is performance management issues with individual team members that need to be addressed in the workplace, you will have a better chance of reengaging them and motivating them to want to do better if the business has strong systems and processes in place to help them do their job
What are your best tips to boost productivity in your workplace?
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